Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing is one of the oldest strategies but nonetheless remains between your most effective and sustainable marketing methods.

How come that?

Because your email list is likely to be perhaps your most valuable asset, if you’re serious about building an internet business.

Quite often it’s not about the software or product per se, but about the client information… Think about it!

Many of the biggest companies and corporations nowadays are highly valued due to data they possess: take Facebook for example.

Do you think it’s that hard to employ several programmers to recreate a public media platform just like FB? Obviously not!

It’s about the non-public information they possess, data is the new essential oil.

Therefore, before trying to market anything to anyone, be always sure to capture the lead’s name and email.

To nurture and follow-up with them afterwards, you can use the strategies I am illustrating in this video recording: they are email marketing best practices really called Soap Opera series and Seinfeld sequence.

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